A transformation journey - from #grey2green
Our vision of a green polysius® cement plant
Today, one of the key challenges facing the cement industry is reducing carbon emissions in the cement manufacturing process. With the green polysius® cement plant solutions thyssenkrupp offers customers the opportunity for more sustainable cement production, which also meets customers’ economic efficiency and plant productivity requirements.
Answering the demand for more sustainable cement production
Due to the increased demand for cement as a construction material – especially, in areas of urbanization – we at thyssenkrupp Polysius want to offer our customers solutions for the reduction of greenhouses gases in their cement production. Our green polysius® cement plant solutions are cost-efficient and have high output levels. Therefore, the answer to the increased demand for sustainable and eco-friendly cement is to make the transition from #grey2green cement manufacturing.
Our green polysius® cement plants will produce less CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases. This is an advantage and competitive edge for our customers: Our plants will be able to meet strict local regulations and requirements for cement factories in the future. So, you are not only reducing your cement production’s carbon footprint you are also increasing the longevity and strengthening the position of your cement company in the highly competitive cement industry by choosing the green polysius® solutions.
From green cement plant construction to delivering single machines
At thyssenkrupp Polysius, we are a strong partner for our customers and offer everything from the construction to the delivery of our green polysius® solutions for your cement plants from a single source. We accompany our customers every step of the way of the cement plant implementation. By joining our vision of green polysius® cement plants your cement plants not only emit fewer emissions, they also consume less energy and save resources, which provides your cement production with an economic advantage. With our polysius® solutions you also take a step towards the Digitalization of the cement industry. Because not only do we use more eco-friendly components in binders, we also put digital technologies and Big Data to use to increase the efficiency of our green cement plants.
#grey2green: Join the future with our green polysius® solutions
With over 160 years of expertise and experience in the construction of big-scale industrial plants, we know that when it comes to upgrading or extending a cement production our customers need solutions that are easy to implement and also take every step of the cement production process into consideration – ensuring coherent and measurable improvement.
Our solutions for a green polysius® plant range from polysius® activated clay for a more sustainable clinker production with calcined clay and polysius® fuel substitutions as alternative fuel solutions to polysius® oxyfuel to drive climate-neutrality and reduce the carbon footprint of the cement industry and, last but not least, the NOx reduction solution by CemCat.